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Project Description:
An international team of ecotoxicologists, chemists, and engineers have come together to better understand the effects of pipeline oil spills in Canada’s west coast rivers on Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). This ambitious research program involves simulating spills of diluted bitumen in outdoor experimental rivers at the Quesnel River Research Center in British Columbia. This study will answer whether residual oil trapped in salmon rearing habitats impairs the health and survival of Chinook embryos. Learn more about the project:
Position Details:
The successful candidate will enroll in a graduate program (MSc or PhD) in the Department of Biology or School of Environmental Studies at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. The student will be supervised at Queen’s by Dr. Diane Orihel (Associate Professor at Queen’s University and Director of QE3 Research Group), and co-supervised by Dr. Jason Raine (University of Northern British Columbia). The student will conduct their thesis research at the Quesnel River Research Center on the toxic effects of diluted bitumen on early life stage salmon.
Desired Qualifications:
University degree in Biology, Environmental Sciences, or related field
BSc-Honors (for MSc Position) or research-based MSc (for PhD Position)
Theoretical knowledge of fish biology and/or fish ecotoxicology
Practical experience, or interest, in handling and sampling fish (or other aquatic vertebrates)
Desire to do field research at a remote field station in British Columbia
Team-oriented and committed to promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion
To apply, please email an application package to (with the subject “ROE24”) containing the following:
One-page cover letter explaining your interest in the project, how you meet the desired qualifications, and stating whether you are a Canadian citizen or permanent resident;
University transcripts;
A writing sample (e.g., thesis or published paper); and
Contact information (name, position, affiliation, work email) for 3 references.
Application deadline is November 15, 2024, but early applications are encouraged.
Applications from Indigenous, Black, LGBQT+, and persons from other underrepresented groups are welcome.